Keeping the Children Safe and On Task

May 15, 2020 - As the Coronavirus is shutting down Kenya as a whole, the number of cases continue to climb and are now spiking in the Nambale region.

Despite this, the staff of the Nambale Magnet School are working hard to keep the children safe and on task.  Since there is no internet in this very poor community, the teachers have been sending packets home to the children in hopes that they will not fall too far behind.

The annual exams will be either picked up by guardians or delivered by hand to the students of the school.

Because a third of our student population is severely impoverished, the school's social worker makes site visits to see how the students are faring both academically and emotionally. 

These children who have so little are expected to keep up with students from other parts of the country that are more affluent and have home access to the internet, running water and electricity.

This is how the great divide of social injustice makes it virtually impossible for many children to get ahead.

We look forward to re-opening the Nambale Magnet School when this pandemic allows so that this population does not continue to be left in the margins of society.

Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to make a difference to these students and their community.

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