Nambale Magnet School’s Top Graduating Students in High School


July 6, 2017 - Some of our recent graduates are now in High School busy doing amazing things.

Alpha and Jackson in the same school and were our top two learners in last year's KCPE results. Both Alpha and Jackson are doing very well. Alpha recently attended a mentoring program for a week organized by the First Lady in Kenya. Jackson and Joy Lilian, another of the Nambale Magnet School's top learners will also attending the program this week.

Polycarp is attending St. Joseph's Boys High School with 3000 other students in 8 streams of all four forms with several other Nambale Magnet School graduates.

Imagine that without our help, these children would have been tossed aside as worthless.

Thank you and with my deepest gratitude,

Martine Nolletti
Cornerstone Project Founder and Chair

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